
I have been updating my scripts from using Exchange Online PowerShell to using the Microsoft Graph SDK as the Microsoft Graph is WAY more powerful of a tool to use. In the old script, I used the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet to get all the mailbox sizes for users and maybe some other data. That has since moved to the Reports tab in the M365 Admin Center where you can get different reports on usage and adoption.
This was a great opportunity to be able to run this report in a PowerShell script that you could automate if needed. I am sure there are other ways maybe through PowerApps or Power Automate that would do the same thing. You could essentially put this script in a Power Automate function and send the report where you need it once completed. Of course, modification would need to be done for the Input/and Output locations for the CSV, AND you could also make the script send an email through the Microsoft Graph SDK in another set of commands. That is for more down the road. I am on the catch up when it comes to using the SDK.

This script will Connect to MS Graph with Powershell using the auth token method for authentication so you don’t have to logon. Make sure you have the Azure Enterprise Application setup, the ‘Reports.Read.All’ and Users.Read.All scope permissions granted to the API in Azure. You will need your AppID, TenantID, and Secret Key form the Azure App Registrations Overview Page to proceed. The script explains that though.



You will receive a CSV file that will look like this:

Mailbox Usage Report

As you will see in the report, I converted the values to MB and GB respectively, you can make adjustments to the script at you see fit. I am always happy to get feedback and additions to the script as well. Thanks again to Github Copilot for helping with coding some of this script. Feel free to expand it from there, but this script can give you a great report of all your mailbox users in M365 when preparing for migrations or archiving.


Generate Usage Reports with Microsoft Graph PowerShell
Report Mailbox and OneDrive Size in PowerShell via MS Graph API (

About Lance Lingerfelt

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Lance Lingerfelt is an M365 Specialist and Evangelist with over 20 years of experience in the Information Technology field. Having worked in enterprise environments to small businesses, he is able to adapt and provide the best IT Training and Consultation possible. With a focus on AI, the M365 Stack, and Healthcare, he continues to give back to the community with training, public speaking events, and this blog.

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