Running Test-MailFlow on remote Exchange Servers

In my job I try to make the process as efficient as possible so that I can determine the issue quickly and then resolve it as quickly as possible. I was having issue with the Test-Mailflow cmdlet and running it remotely against the servers. I was getting the following error:

MapiExceptionSendAsDenied: Unable to submit message. (hr=0x80070005, ec=1244)

If I had multiple servers to test, I would have to logon to each server and run the test which is not efficient at all. I wanted to automate it more without having to change permissions to do so. I wanted to run an Invoke-Command and place the PSSession for Exchange in that command so that I could run the Test-Mailflow cmdlet and get the results.

Paul Cunningham wrote a great article and script to resolve this. READ HERE

His script allows you to input the server name when running the PS1 from the PowerShell Command Prompt:

I was able to take the Test-MailflowRemote.ps1 script and set it to run on all the mailbox servers for the environment I was monitoring. Now, we can only run the Test-MailFlow cmdlet against Exchange Mailbox Servers that have active databases mounted on them. So, I run the following first to get the list of Mailbox Servers that contain at least 1 active database:

I then run the ps1 script using the array I created with the $Svrs variable:


This helps a bunch when you need to run on multiple servers and get the test information quickly. Please comment! Happy Troubleshooting!

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One thought on “Running Test-MailFlow on remote Exchange Servers

  1. Yeah, but this way it only tests if the server can send a mail to itself. How do you test that the system mailbox on all Mailbox servers can successfully send a message to the system mailbox on all other Mailbox servers?

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