
One of my clients needed a script that would pull all the License and Add-Ons information from PowerShell and put it into a CSV that could be filtered by license or add-on. So I created this script to do just that.
It had a few revisions, but I do have final one here for usage. As always, if you have suggestions on making it better, please feel free to contact me. I am working on updating my repository on GitHub @LanceL218 and will have these scripts up there soon as well!

It turns out a report that looks like this:

Doing the output in this manner allowed me to be able to do filtering on the License and on the Add-Ons. I think that is a better solution for folks needing to know who has what. What I would like to do next with the script is a switch parameter that would rename the SKU and Add-Ons to more palatable names so that you could give it to a C-Suite to review and they not be confused, but that would be A LOT more code. It’s something to do though!


About Lance Lingerfelt

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Lance Lingerfelt is an M365 Specialist and Evangelist with over 20 years of experience in the Information Technology field. Having worked in enterprise environments to small businesses, he is able to adapt and provide the best IT Training and Consultation possible. With a focus on AI, the M365 Stack, and Healthcare, he continues to give back to the community with training, public speaking events, and this blog.

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