AI Prompting Style Series: Chain-of-Thought Prompting (CoT)

In this example, I’ll break down the complex prompt provided into a more structured, step-by-step CoT format. CoT prompting emphasizes clear reasoning and incremental building of ideas to guide the model toward accurate and comprehensive answers. 

Original Prompt

“I am designing a website and want to ensure a seamless user experience. Can you suggest 4 error prevention techniques that I should integrate into my design? Specifically, I want to prevent errors related to website loading latency and ensure that users have a clear understanding of the error and why it is happening. Please provide examples of how these techniques have been successfully implemented in other designs to improve user satisfaction.” 

Chain-of-Thought Breakdown

  1. Set the Context: Establish the problem and what specifically you need help with. Ask the model to first think about the types of errors (e.g., loading latency) and the overall user experience. 
    • Info Gathering Prompts:  
      • Think about the user’s perspective. What happens when a website takes too long to load? 
      • What are the technical reasons behind website loading latency? 
      • Why is it essential to address latency issues for a positive user experience? 

Set the Context Prompt: 

“I am designing a website and want to prevent errors related to website loading latency. Can you first identify the types of errors that may arise from loading delays?” 

  1. Explore Error Prevention Techniques: Once the types of errors are identified, guide the model to provide multiple techniques to mitigate those errors. Use a step-by-step inquiry. 
    • Info Gathering Prompts:
      • What kind of error messages are most helpful to users when latency problems occur? 
      • How can I ensure that error messages are clear, concise, and informative? 
      • How can I use design elements to make error messages more user-friendly? 

Exploration Prompt: 

“Given the potential loading latency issues, what are some error prevention techniques that can be used to ensure a smooth user experience? Please provide four specific techniques.” 

  1. Focus on Communication: Shift focus toward how users will understand and interpret these errors, asking the model to suggest strategies for clear error communication. 
    • Info Gathering Prompts:
      • Consider different design strategies to optimize website communication and performance. 
      • How can techniques like lazy loading, image optimization, and code minification help communicate issues? 
      • What are the best practices for communicating a website malfunction with minimal loading time? 

Communications Focus Prompt: 

“After applying these techniques, how can I ensure users understand the error and why it is happening, especially in the case of latency? What messaging or design elements should be integrated?” 

  1. Request Examples from Real-World Designs: To conclude, ask for real-world examples of where these techniques have been implemented successfully. 
    • Info Gathering Prompts:
      • Research websites known for their excellent user experience and fast loading times. 
      • What specific techniques have they used to prevent latency errors? 
      • How have these techniques contributed to improved user satisfaction and engagement? 

Examples Request Prompt: 

“Can you provide examples of how these techniques have been implemented in other designs, particularly those that deal with loading delays, to improve user satisfaction?” 

Final CoT Prompt 

After gathering all the information from the above prompts in the AI, you can piece together the final prompt string for a simple, yet complex, CoT prompt.

  1. First, let’s understand the problem: What is website loading latency, and why is it a crucial factor in user experience? How does it affect users, and what are the technical causes behind it? 
  1. Next, let’s explore solutions: How can I design my website to minimize loading latency and prevent related errors? What design strategies and techniques can I use to optimize website performance? 
  1. Now, let’s focus on communication: If latency issues occur, how can I provide clear and informative error messages to users? What are the best practices for designing user-friendly error messages? 
  1. Finally, let’s learn from the best: Can you provide real-world examples of websites that have successfully implemented error prevention techniques for latency? How have these techniques improved user satisfaction and engagement? 

Learning Points

Each part of this CoT prompt breaks down the original task into smaller, manageable steps, allowing the model to respond with more thorough and thoughtful answers. This method encourages the model to “think out loud,” ensuring each part of the problem is tackled in sequence, which leads to more accurate, context-rich responses. 
By following this chain-of-thought approach, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the problem and arrive at more effective solutions for your website design. This workflow will help everyone understand how CoT prompting encourages the model to reason through each step of a complex task and ensures that the final output is well-rounded and complete. 

About Lance Lingerfelt

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Lance Lingerfelt is an M365 Specialist and Evangelist with over 20 years of experience in the Information Technology field. Having worked in enterprise environments to small businesses, he is able to adapt and provide the best IT Training and Consultation possible. With a focus on AI, the M365 Stack, and Healthcare, he continues to give back to the community with training, public speaking events, and this blog.

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