I was in the market for renewing my VPN appliance SSL certificate and came across this great deal that I wanted to pass along. It gives you a new SSL Certificate for a single domain with basic validation for only $5.99 for the first year. I usually get a new certificate for my VPN appliance yearly so this works out great!

LINK HERE: https://www.godaddy.com/web-security/ssl-certificate
Just enter that code above when you are at checkout in the Promo Code field and you will get the certificate for $5.99! Great Deal. I am not sure how long this will last, so if you try it and it does not work, let me have knowledge of that and I will take this post down! Just remember to always look for these hidden gems when purchasing web related items like domains and certificates. You can always find deals if you look hard enough.
GoDaddy SSL Certificate Coupons
TechSmart Info on GoDaddy SSL Certificate Promotion