Removing a DNS Record through Powershell

In most environments, an admin usually just jumps on the server that they need to work from and does their work from there. An example of this would be an admin working on an IIS Web server and needing to remove a DNS A record from DNS without having to logon to the DNS server itself so that they can quickly make their changes in IIS.

A quick way to do this would be to run the following ps1 script in PowerShell in order to be able to remove the record quickly:

Sample Output from the script.
Sample Output from the Script removing DNS A Record: test.ldlnet.local

Now this works for a single DNS A Record. If there are multiple IPs for the same DNS record, for example, test.ldlnet.local points to both and, then you probably need to run the following script listed here to keep the script from failing with an error. I have also expanded the entries to help the input be more specific:

Output from RemoveDNSRecord.ps1 for removing DNS A Record test.ldlnet.local with IP of

I have found some other good scripts that I will post to the blog to help manage DNS records through PowerShell. This should get things started for now. Happy Troubleshooting!

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