Check the Crawl Status of a SharePoint Farm

A lot of times in my job, we get alerts for processor usage spikes and memory being below threshold for normal server usage. When these would occur on SharePoint servers, I would go through finding out what processes were running that were using a lot of processor and memory. Turns out that it was usually noderunner.exe that was causing the issue which has to deal with the crawl function of the SharePoint data being indexed by the servers in the farm. So, after looking around on a few sites, I compiled the following ps1 script that can be run on a SharePoint server to get the Crawling status of all the SharePoint Content Sites and how long it took to crawl during the prior cycle:

It will output:
– The name of the Content Site being Crawled
– Whether or not the crawl is idle
– If idle, when the crawl started
– If the last crawl took three hours or less

I hope this will give some help to those deep diving into SharePoint Performance.

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