AI Prompting Style Series: Debate Prompting


In this post, I will explain the style of Debate Prompting for AI and its use to help learners use the AI model Properly. I will then take the existing prompt we have used in this series and apply Debate Prompting Style to show that any topic can be used to provide options for the AI learner to train the AI model.

The Debate Prompting Style is a method of interacting with AI that mimics a structured debate. Instead of simply asking for information, you engage the AI in a back-and-forth exchange of arguments and counterarguments. This encourages the AI to explore different perspectives, refine its reasoning, and generate more comprehensive and nuanced responses. The core idea is to encourage critical thinking, comparative analysis, and the synthesis of diverse viewpoints.

How Debate Prompting Works

  • Introduction of Polarized Perspectives
    The prompt begins by introducing two or more conflicting viewpoints or theories. This could be different approaches to solving a problem, contrasting philosophies, or opposing methods of implementation. By framing the question this way, the model is encouraged to engage with the subject critically. 
  • Exploration of Each Perspective
    The next step involves guiding the AI to explore each perspective in detail. This can involve presenting arguments, justifications, or practical examples supporting each side of the debate. 
  • Encouraging Critical Comparison
    After analyzing both sides, the AI is prompted to evaluate which argument holds more merit. This critical comparison adds depth to the response, allowing for insights that may not have emerged from a straightforward answer.
  • Balanced Conclusion
    Finally, the debate prompt often ends by asking the AI to synthesize both perspectives, providing a reasoned conclusion that reflects an understanding of the trade-offs and complexities involved. 

How Debate Prompting Style Assists Learners to use AI

  • Critical Thinking: Learners learn to analyze information, identify biases, and evaluate the strength of arguments. Instead of expecting a one-dimensional answer, they learn to elicit responses that explore complexity and provide insights from multiple perspectives. This can be especially useful in cases where there is no single “right” answer, such as ethical dilemmas, strategic decisions, or complex problem-solving.   
  • Prompt Engineering: Learners develop skills in crafting effective prompts that elicit specific responses and guide the AI’s reasoning. In AI training, mastering how to prompt for nuanced answers is critical. Debate prompting teaches learners to move beyond simple queries and create prompts that guide the model into deep, reflective thought. This helps in scenarios where a direct response is insufficient, such as in real-world decision-making or when working with ambiguous data. 
  • AI Capabilities & Limitations: Learners gain a deeper understanding of how AI processes information and generates responses, including its strengths and weaknesses. Debate prompting helps learners teach AI to weigh different solutions or viewpoints, thereby refining its ability to reason comparatively. By frequently using this style, learners can train AI models to engage in comparative reasoning rather than simply generating isolated pieces of information. This builds more versatile AI systems that can handle debates, discussions, and complex decision-making. 
  • Creative Problem-Solving: Learners find out how to approach problems from multiple angles and consider diverse perspectives. When learners use debate prompting, they encourage AI to delve into broader conversations, especially when dealing with open-ended questions. This prevents AI from giving “closed” answers, and instead, opens up possibilities for further questions and extended dialogue, which is crucial in areas like AI development, research, and creative problem-solving. 
  • Communication & Argumentation: Learners practice articulating their thoughts, constructing persuasive arguments, and responding to opposing viewpoints. Debate prompting is highly applicable across multiple fields, such as business strategies, social science research, scientific theories, ethics, and even creative fields. For example, learners can use this method to train AI on philosophical debates, market analysis, or even product design dilemmas, giving them the ability to prompt AI for higher-level reasoning in any domain. 

Debate Prompting Example – Original Prompt

“I am designing a website and want to ensure a seamless user experience. Can you suggest 4 error prevention techniques that I should integrate into my design? Specifically, I want to prevent errors related to website loading latency and ensure that users have a clear understanding of the error and why it is happening. Please provide examples of how these techniques have been successfully implemented in other designs to improve user satisfaction.” 

I want to rework this original prompt into something that I can use in Debate Prompting Style so that I can learn to train AI to look at different viewpoints of my topic and ‘argue’ an answer so that I can choose for myself.


Step 1: Introduce a polarizing proposition 
In Debate Prompting, you start by framing the task in a way that presents opposing viewpoints or perspectives on the subject. Here, you could begin by introducing two contrasting philosophies on error prevention techniques in website design from the original prompt given above. 

Debate Framework Prompt: 
“Some designers argue that error prevention techniques focusing solely on improving website loading latency will resolve user satisfaction issues. Others contend that the core challenge lies in communicating the error effectively and offering intuitive solutions, even if latency issues persist. Which of these approaches do you believe is more effective in preventing user dissatisfaction? Present four techniques for each side of the argument, explaining how each approach impacts user experience.” 

Step 2: Present one side of the debate 
This part encourages the model to present a set of techniques focusing on minimizing latency as the core issue. 

“First, take the perspective that reducing website loading latency is the most critical error prevention technique. Provide four specific methods that can be implemented to reduce loading times, explaining how each one prevents errors and improves user satisfaction.” 

Example response: 

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): By distributing website content closer to users, a CDN significantly reduces load times, ensuring pages load faster. 
  • Image Compression: Reducing image file sizes without compromising quality speeds up the website. 
  • Lazy Loading: Loading only the elements visible on the screen minimizes the time users spend waiting for page resources. 
  • Server-Side Caching: Storing frequently accessed data allows faster delivery to users, ensuring that pages load more rapidly on repeat visits. 

Step 3: Present the opposing viewpoint 
Now, switch the debate to the argument that clear error communication and transparency with users about the reasons for delays or errors are more important. 

“Now, take the opposing perspective: clear communication and transparency about the error are more important than latency itself. Suggest four techniques for providing users with a clear understanding of the error and why it is happening, with examples of how they can improve user satisfaction.” 

Example response: 

  • Descriptive Error Messages: Instead of generic error codes, use clear language that describes why the error occurred (e.g., “The server is currently busy”). 
  • Real-Time Progress Indicators: Use loading animations or progress bars to inform users about the status, which helps reduce frustration when waiting. 
  • Helpful Tooltips: Provide users with pop-ups or tooltips explaining the issue in more detail. 
  • Retry Options or Workarounds: Offer immediate alternatives, such as a “Retry” button, when an error occurs to empower users to take action. 

Step 4: Evaluate both perspectives 
Encourage the model to synthesize the two approaches and provide insights on which approach may be more effective depending on specific use cases. 

“Given the two perspectives, which do you believe offers a more comprehensive solution to preventing user dissatisfaction in website design? Explain why, considering both the importance of error prevention and user communication.” 

  • Encourage the AI to provide specific examples and evidence to support its arguments. 
  • Use prompts to guide the AI towards exploring different aspects of the issue, such as user psychology, design principles, and accessibility. 
  • Vary the level of difficulty and complexity of the prompts to challenge the AI and promote deeper analysis. 

Final Reworked Prompt in Debate Style: 

“Some designers argue that error prevention techniques focused solely on reducing website loading latency will best resolve user satisfaction issues. Others contend that the real issue lies in effectively communicating the error to users, even if latency persists. Which side of the debate do you believe is more effective in ensuring a seamless user experience? Present four techniques from each side, and provide examples of how they have been successfully implemented in other designs to improve user satisfaction.” 

This method encourages critical thinking by forcing the AI to explore both sides of an issue and balance them, which makes Debate Prompting highly effective for nuanced topics like web design. 


By learning to use Debate Prompting Style, a learner not only learns how to extract balanced and thoughtful responses from AI, but they also develop their ability to structure prompts that promote deeper analysis. In AI training, this method reinforces the importance of critical thinking, comparative reasoning, and synthesis—skills that are invaluable both for AI itself and for the learners who train and interact with it. 

About Lance Lingerfelt

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Lance Lingerfelt is an M365 Specialist and Evangelist with over 20 years of experience in the Information Technology field. Having worked in enterprise environments to small businesses, he is able to adapt and provide the best IT Training and Consultation possible. With a focus on AI, the M365 Stack, and Healthcare, he continues to give back to the community with training, public speaking events, and this blog.

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